Chapter 3
Universal Curiosity
The last chapter introduces "Universal Curiosity" as the origin of Cartier design, inspired by cultures, flora and fauna from all over the world. Born out of Louis Cartier's vivid interest in the world, his art collection and library, this curiosity became a signature trait at Cartier, and has since freely traversed the past and the present, East and West, leading to the creation of unique and innovative pieces.
About the Exhibition Design
Vast universe and extremely small jewels
Diatomite Plastered Finish
In this chapter, Cartier jewelry inspired by various cultures from around the world is housed in a 16 meter-long plaster-finished oval case representing the Earth. Traditional Japanese plaster finish, long popular as a wall finish, can produce a wide range of textures depending on the material it is used with. Mixed with diatomite and lime, and skilfully applied by a craftsman, it creates a beautiful finish over the curved lines of this display case. The way the oval case floats within the darkness suggests the passage of a comet in space, meaning that the visitor can enjoy the sensation of being part of a vast universe even while examining extremely small jewels.